White People Only…

Go to fullsize imageIn New Jersey, there was a sign outside of a motel saying ” Parking For White People Only”…. ‘Nanas Apartments

‘Whites Only’ Sign Posted In Jersey Shore Parking Lot…

  Everyone is hysterical over this. Gee, I wonder why.  Is it because of this racial equality bullshit? Nah.. If it was, white people would SUE Essence Magazine.  Nah, its just the race-card again.  The ever trusty race card.  Maybe NANA does not want anyone but white people? Maybe she planted the sign? Maybe someone set her up?? “Parking for whites only” sounds strange.. Maybe she just wants whoever SHE wants to patronize her business…

   Is it because she does not want illegals, (bed bug situation, uncleanliness)?  Maybe she does not want black people there??  Or did NANA do this because OBAMA is the pres, and wants to show how evil whitey is?  Maybe NANA is scared to death she could be mobbedDont know… Read it yourself, they say it was a ‘prank.’  Either way, as One Radical says, it didn’t threaten anybody.. I agree with him. Who got hurt?  NOBODY.


I can tell you this much, though, ‘minorities’ (Yep, Kenite ‘Jews’ inc…) “Evil” White man is SICK of your shit.

21 thoughts on “White People Only…

  1. Even if it is a prank from someone who isn’t the owner, who cares? It’s not threatening anybody.

    With that said, why shouldn’t people be able to run a business and decide who they want to patronize? It’s not like Asians only hire Asians at nail salons and Mexicans hire only Mexicans at Mexican restaurants. Oh, they do? But WHITE people are the racists…. ha.

    If I want to open a shoe store for White people only, I should be allowed to do it.


  2. I agree, One Radical.

    When I was on my endeavor, helping white men, mostly blonde(reverse discrimination) cases, I went to a LOT of places undercover and they would NOT hire white people because they didnt speak SPANISH IN AMERICA!!!! Then because they were not Chinese!! I hear ya, believe me, I do..

    Only this nation is SO stupid, that whites who are still a majority, put up with this BULLSHIT.


  3. I agree with the sign. We Whites are fed up with Knee Grows and their kids invading White Human areas.
    After they invade White enclaves crime follows and becomes crime infested just like Detroit, Harlem or Haiti, a complete cesspool.
    Atlanta 1950, all White crime free Southern paradise.
    Atlanta 2011, all Black, crime infested full of murder,rape,and corruption.a toilet.


  4. ILLEGALS bigtime in Atlanta.
    U should come up here to N. AZ, there is no industry, therefore, only elderly whites and early retiress.
    NO homocides, NO illegals and NO bad blacks.


  5. Yeah, I think it’s long overdue that segregation and restricting places to a specific group is long overdue in returning. Things are better and much safer when they’re segregated. You don’t see us White folks moving into the hood, why the hell would we want them near us?

    I’m certainly not the only one who thinks this and agrees with it, I just have the balls to say so, it’s the way it needs to be!


  6. GOOD,. u say it!
    I do often enough.
    God Bless, keep it up, people HATE affirmative action neighborhoods!!


  7. Check this CRAP out:

    Toronto District School Board Teaches That Only White People Are Racist

    Reader JH asked: Am I reading this correctly? Yes Jim you are. The Toronto District School Board has decried that “Only White People Are Racist”

    From the TDSB Resource: Teaching about Human Rights 9/11 and Beyond A Package for Educators Grades 7-12

    Definitions Pages 5-6 – found on page 70 of this document.


    “While people in different contexts can experience prejudice or discrimination, racism, in a North American context, is based on an ideology of the superiority of the white race over other racial groups. Racism is evident in individual acts, such as racial slurs, jokes, etc., and institutionally, in terms of policies and practices at institutional levels of society. The result of institutional racism is that it maintains white privilege and power (such as racial profiling, hiring practices, history, and literature that centre on Western, European civilizations to the exclusion of other civilizations and communities). The social, systemic, and personal assumptions, practices, and behaviours that discriminate against persons according to their skin colour, hair texture, eye shape, and other superficial physical characteristics.”

    This is child abuse, it is hate speech, I strongly encourage any parent unfortunate enough to have a child in this filth ridden system to file a complaint with the Toronto Police Services Hate Crimes Unit and to launch a civil suit against the TDSB.

    I also encourage you to contact the TDSB directly, this cannot be allowed to stand. Contact by phone, by e-mail, or via Twitter – @TDSB_Official


  8. I saw this (as a blur) on the news and LMAO!. This is what really happened.
    Wildwood ( a beach town in the summer months) swells with teenagers, kids from South Philly, Italians, well it is their favorite free beach. now use your imagination. sending a message,,:-) @ the expense of Nana!


  9. it is not a crime to put up a sign like that, so i dont understand why the police are involved. Free speech applies to this sign just tear it down , and let it be, instead of wasting tax payers money investigating this its a waste of money no one was hurt, maybe just feelings, but thats just it…..


  10. I agree, electrician.
    Why cant the lady have who SHE wants patronizing her biz anyway?


  11. We stay at Nana’s every year at the NJ Firefighters Convention in Wildwood. It’s a dump. Don’t stay there. The Robinsons need to find another line of business because they don’t have a clue about the hospitality industry.


  12. I wonder why some entrepreneur has not come out with a deck of “race cards?” Some for discrimination in housing, jobs, schools, traffic stops, etc. They would be very convenient, and not a racist word would have to be spoken. If you’re white, and a black or Mexican cop stops you, flash the race card. Oh, yeah, works for me.


  13. “If I want to open a shoe store for White people only, I should be allowed to do it.”

    I guess you would be okay with a sign saying “No dogs or jews” then


  14. BTW: SAM- Let me tell you something.
    Up in the Catskills, NY, the Jews did not want the gentiles at their hotels, they didnt ‘have’ to put up a sign, everyone knew.
    But, the LEFTIST, INSANE Jews cried and whined like big, fat babies just because the whites didnt want them at THEIR hotels (country clubs).

    Whahhh, whaaahhh, whahhh. Waycis, bigot–wahhh whaaaahh whahhh

    Jews dont want gentiles at their synagogues to this very day, ditto for Christians not wanting Jews, all of the stupid attempts of integration FAILED.

    And, yep, people should be allowed to cater to whoever they want.

    As Groucho Marx said;

    ‘I would not want to be part of a club that would have me as a member’.

    Your ilk have NO humor, just bullshit, and multi-culture INSANITY that has FAILED.


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