The Incredible Shrinking Israel.

The Incredible Shrinking Israel.. Israel gives away land for ‘peace’ just about every 5-7 years.  (It never gets peace, because Islam is not a ‘peaceful’ religion)  For all of you Jew-haters that despise Israel and the Jews.. I dont get why you don’t support Israel.  You dont want the Jew in America, EU does not want the Jew in EU (Even though EU has hardly any Jews). But, you hate Israel.  So, you are insane. Crazy. Moonbat. Dumb.  If you can’t SEE by this graph that the A-rabs just want ALL of the land, you are an idiot in total denial. All of that land was given to the “Palestinians”, as you can plainly see below. 

(A-rab=”Palestinian”) The GREEN is “Palestinian” land.

11 thoughts on “The Incredible Shrinking Israel.

  1. I love you! Not politically correct, sensible, love your Poppy and Nana…G-d bless you.


  2. Israel will get all of its God given land back soon. The Bible guarantees that. How soon? In our lifetime for sure.


  3. Israel has its traitors. Remember Ehud Olmert? And now with Ehud Barak?
    The people of Israel should know better.

    Reason why 2 out of 3 jews lliving in Israel will be annihilated by Yahweh.


  4. Reason why 2 out of 3 jews living in Israel will be annihilated by Yahweh.

    I know, so WHY go there????????


  5. Because conditions in the gentile world will be made IMPOSSIBLE for any Jew to continue living there. Also, His prophecy that EVERY Jews will be returned to His Land will come to pass.

    If you worship and are true to Yahweh, He will guide you to Petra, to safety. He keeps, has kept His Promise. DO NOT DOUBT YAHWEH. PLEASE!


  6. Because conditions in the gentile world will be made IMPOSSIBLE for any Jew to continue living there. Also, His prophecy that EVERY Jews will be returned to His Land will come to pass.

    Well, its here, where I live (which is sane, still) OR Israel which HATES nationalistic, patriotic people and throws them in the can/jail.
    Either way I am dead. Is just a question of how.
    I already trust Yah…UNTIL Israel starts trusting IN him, its not the place for me…yet.


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