I had this very sneaky slant-eyed mongrel horde on my blog a few months back, named Akira .Hair She/he/IT wanted me, and my roguish Pro-American bloggers to ‘feel sorry’ for the murdering-Moslem, PLO NAZIs that are OCCUPYING the Land of Israel, so, she lied in wait, as the JAPS do, and then attacked me when I least expected it, just like a JAP, ALL JAPS ARE THE SAME, they are SNEAKY…..Isnt that right people?

I mean if these Japs are allowed to deny the Holocaust, push NAZI LIES, say that ALL Jews ‘hate the goyim’ –just because David Duke says so, I have a right, AS WELL, to say that ALL JAPS are the same., she/he/IT is NO exception.

  As most of you WELL know, I grew up with BOTH faiths, but well read in Christianity, because I am pro-American, yet this impossible slant-eyed TYPICAL JAP said that I went around “BRAGGING” that I was a JEW- that is a LIE, a total LIE, she said it on www.incogman.wordpress.com s blog.   I dont brag about SH*T, except the fact that I am mean as hell and mad as f*ck.

Now, this TYPICAL slant-eyed, flat-faced JAP has turned over to the dark side, and now sides with that NAZIS, in that there ‘was no Holocaust’….. You know people, I seriously cant wait sometimes until a bad incident happens to these WRETCHED Jew-hating, AND..Jesus hating PIGS.

In fact, I hope they die a horrible death at this point.

So….if you ALL wonder WHY Jews are not to happy with wanting to just go ahead and accept Jesus, you might TRY looking at his so-called FOLLOWERS: Jew-hating Japs, IncogFAGGOTS, and Holocaust deniers…..BTW…”Christians”

You better REPENT, Jew-hating pigs, because I know the Christian Bible, BETTER THAN MOST OF YOU, and you LIARS produce ZERO fruit, so remember what your savior did to ONLY THE TREE that bore NO fruit, he CURSED it, and it WITHERED.

Here is the JEW-HATING, Jesus Hating (Jesus was a JEW, BTW, Akira) website, so you can feast your eyes on the PROPAGANDA of the Holocaust, in that it was a lie:


Btw…this is ALSO incogFAGGOTS new GF…
