Black Bastards Murder, Knock Out Whites, Beat White Woman, & Elderly White Men All Over America

Black Bastards Murder,  Knock Out Whites, Beating White Women, & Elderly White Men All Over America

It doesn’t matter what country these black males are in, they just can’t seem to act civilized.  These ‘people’ (people in the loosest sense) are a bunch of savages barely removed from the jungle.

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the schvartze sleeps tonight.    Or in our case, they’re up all day beating whitey.

70-year-old beaten by two blacks while trying to slow down cars in his neighborhood


Savages not yet identified but they’re black


Man (Son of Obama) severely beat white woman in West Side robbery, police say


Betty Whiteley


Jerry Smith

Docs: (Black) suspect in brutal murders of two white women was disgruntled ex-employee


Kelly Erb Marylyn Erb


Christian Rene Haley

Charlottesville Newspaper Shuts Down Comments on Knockout Game Report for ‘Hateful Nature’  (Blacks ‘knock out’ white couple & other whites.)  They shut down the comment section of the aforementioned post because it was ‘hateful’ against black people.  What do they call these racial beatings? Love???

If this white man had a gun, we would have one less black problem.

News tips from

-David Ben Moshe

PS:  Happy New Year which is starting out as expected.