Obamas Spiritual Advisors Jim Wallace Cronies~”Christians” ARE Insane!!

Go to fullsize imageRussia is NOT going to just ‘give up’ their nukes, you idiots.  I happened to come across these people claiming to be “Christian” and either they are one or the other;

1. Officially, certifiable and need massive psychiatric care OR

2. Want the complete obliteration of America by Russian nukes.

I believe #2.  These crazed, left wing “Christians” absolutely make zero sense.  They believe that America is the imperialist monster and the great sinner in this world, but, these freaks are the ones that MADE this united states of America: unclean, unholy, unrighteous and oxymoron with their tolerance of every evil thing.

This is their latest asshattery post:

 They are NOT “Christians” like I know Christians.  Just as left wing “Jews” are NOT Jews at all. It is time for all good people of faith to start discerning people from the fruits they bear.  “Soujourners” Jim Wallaces peace is a FALSE “Peace”. It is also written of in the Torah, Tanakh, and the Christian New Testament:
 Jeremiah 6:14
14 They have healed also the hurt of My people lightly, saying: ‘Peace, peace’, when there is no peace.


 1 Thessalonians – Chapter 5:3  ~While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Go to fullsize image

   There is a penalty, Mr. Wallace for preaching false prophecy.  And as for these so-called “Christians” preaching this junk, theirs is eternal damnation, so I read.   In the Christian New Testament, it is written that he did not come to the earth to bring ‘peace’ but a sword. Looks like this is TRUTH to me..  You will have to deal with that, Mr. Wallace when you face the maker of the Heavens and the earth in the end.
{And, yes, I embrace both faiths that I was born with, tyvm..}


BTW: If you are a Jew OR A Christian that is pissed b/c I quote all of the biblical books, tough titty said the kitty…