Either The Monster-Dictator In The W.H. Goes, Or WE Go, As A People.

This is serious.  How much more serious does this have to get before people will realize that Barack Hussein Obama wants to be the dictator of America?  What more do men need?  The # 1 goal in the Communist Goals to destroy America is all Soviet oriented.  Yesterday the dictator of America (OBAMA) decided to give our secrets to Russia.  He is also dismantling the military, not to ‘balance the budget’, but because Obama is seditious.    What more do we need?   What more do generals & the military need to see this is treason against the United States? What more, men?  Why are you doing nothing? Do you realize that if Obama gets in a 2nd term, we are finished?  Why are you waiting? Why?

 Read the Communist goals yourself.  The first 14 goals are basically a surrender to Russia and red China. I thought democrats were against dictatorships.   They certainly thought Bush was a dictator and opposed him, regularly.  A lot of what Bush did was also fascistic, especially with the ‘patriot’ act.  It appears that the democrat party wants this dictatorship.  It also appears that the GOP is helping aid in it, by abetting Obama’s un-Constitutional acts of treason with his recent appointment.  Even the ‘freedom-loving’ Ron Paul is doing nothing.  So, we are invaded inside and outside with no friends. Completely isolated.

Either Obama goes, or we go.  Obama is a mix of Communism and Nazi-ism, if you read history, you can see a mix of both in Obama.  Do you need reminding of what will happen if we do not trounce this evil out?

This is what happens to Christians in these revolutions, (below) (Ukranian starvation Holocaust against Christians AND Jews): 

(If you take notice, Ron Paul ALSO speaks of revolution. NOT GOOD.)

This is what happens to Jews in revolutions: Communism AND Nazi-ism:

What more do you need? What more?

Edmund Burke (January 12, 1729July 9, 1797) was an Irish political philosopher, Whig politician and statesman who is often regarded as the father of modern conservatism.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”


Obama wants illegal, criminal, occupiers made LEGAL.  But he never seems to take the time to show us what is happening. Or the murderers he is enabling.. It is so like the leftists to take up for the oppressors.  They told Gov. Jan Brewer that she was lying when she said beheadings were taking place on our borders… I guess these creeps need proof.. Sick bastards.

Pictures of the violence taking place along our borders

Jew-HATING Obama Throws Israel Under The Bus-OVER 100x

Atlas Shrugs: Obama: Lethal for Israel

  And who is silent? Of course, the 68% Of American “Jews” that voted for the monster & who still ‘approve’ of this dictator, brown shirt, Marxist-Nazi: Barack Hussein Obama, NON “President” from Kenya. World Jewish Congress Stands up for Israel One Jerusalem.ORG 

Why does it have to take Israel before “Liberal” American-Jews wake up? WHY?  Excuse me, left wing looney-tune liberal “Jews”, why does it take this before you started to take some action?  Why did endorse this MADMAN, when so many of us spoke out against him so vehemently?  What did you not GET about Jeremiah Wright speaking about ‘them Jews?’ – What the hell is your problem?  In your America-hating, sick, insane world, where Marxism (actually Engel-ism) has destroyed our nation, you seem hell bent on turning the Holy Land into a ghetto as well.  The 2 ‘free’ nations are upside down now, but, NOW you are worried about Israel, when you LIVE HERE in America?  We are supposed to bring peace to the cities which we dwell outside of the Holy Land, not curse.  If you wanted to protect Israel, why did you vote in an enemy of the Jewish people, WHY?  You are not innocent in this. Obama is monitoring Jewish births in Samaria and Judea, and you have done nothing.

You knew his name; Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

  So, what are you going to do?  Are you going to just sit there, and ‘let it go?’  Do you realize that this nation is going to go postal on all of us Jews, because of your actions?  You know the weight we carry, we are supposed to be a light to the nations, in EVERY nation we inhabit.  Now, we have turned to curse Israel.   That is cursing ourselves. You know this, yet still, the left wing Bolshevik Machine is on ramming speed at Media Matters For America -The battle speed against American protestors at Southern Poverty Law Center  are not shutting the hole in their face, and saying that many of the “tea party” people are Neo-Nazis and other ‘fringe groups?’  These people, @ the Tea Parties are mostly comprised of Christians that support Israel and the Jewish people.

Pamela Geller, Big Government: It’s Holocaust Day, and Another Holocaust Is Looming A very strong activist is saying what I am saying; “Holocaust is looming” and yet, you refuse to wake up.  Mark Potek, when I called the SPLC, hung up on me, when I told him the facts from Atlas Shrugs Website, I told him that his diatribe against Conservative-Americans is disgusting- he took no notice and said ‘Atlas Shrugs is just a blog’, and Hung up.

   Will you at least consider that Sarkozy has called BHO a lunatic? French Leader Sarkozy Slams Obama, Warns He Might Be Insane On Ms. Gellers Website, on this post: Pamela Geller, Big Journalism: MSM, American Jews Look the Other Way As Obama Wages Diplomatic Jihad Against Israel has a  blogger is pouring her heart out to our people, it is time to wake the hell up. NOW.  Yeah, I know, the “Liberal” Jews tell us that we are committing “Lashon Hara” which is a lie, we aint ‘gossiping’ about anything, we have told the truth.  YOU are all committing Lashon Hara against AMERICA, conspiring… against a nation that DID have Judeao laws, but not anymore. I dont get it, and I dont GET you. Also: ISRAEL MUST NOW CHANGE ITS WHOLE APPROACH…START BY CLOSING DOWN THE ISRAELI US EMBASSY TO DEFEND ISRAEL

It’s NOT a war on terror- it is a war on STUPID!

WASHINGTON (Jan. 5) — The suicide bomber who killed eight people inside a CIA base in Afghanistan claimed to have information about Osama bin Laden’s second-in-command, and was being recruited as a double agent to infiltrate al-Qaida, a former senior U.S. intelligence official and a foreign government official confirmed Monday.

This war is in America, it is the WAR ON STUPID! Stupid P.C., it is getting us SLAUGHTERED!  Before we can have a war to defeat Islamic terror, we must have a war against STUPID!    

What in the hell is the matter with people?!  DOUBLE AGENT!! OF COURSE!!  America is NOT supposed to have operatives that are anybody BUT Americans, OR America FRIENDLY.

1. Stop profiling the WRONG people!

2. The FBI & CIA was warned not to use Muslim, but to use Jews that came from those lands; Arabic lands, Iran, even Afghanistan.. They were warned to use Jews, instead of Muslims in those lands, you cannot trust Muslims, you CAN trust Arabic etc. Jews.  Chaim Ben Pesach from the JTF.ORG told the FBI this YEARS ago.

3.  Terror is a method, you cannot war on a method, the enemy is ISLAM. PERIOD.  IF you cannot name WHO the enemy IS, how the hell can you possible defeat them?

4. P.C. = Political Correctedness- throw it in the ashcan. 

  Why are we giving Muslim TERRORISTS the same rights as U.S. Citizens? OR ANY Muslims for that matter?  P.O.W.’s are held IN detention until the end of the conflict!  If the conflict goes on 100 years, they can die in jail, but if they are tried, you try them in MILITARY court- NOT in Civilian courts!!!!

5.  EVERY member in the government should be FORCED to read a pre-1990 translation of the Qu’ran. If it was good enough for T. Jefferson, it certainly should be good enough for liliputians to read it! These people do not hate us because of our ‘freedom’, they HATE us because we are INFIDELS!!!!!!

 The most important; 

6. STOP lowering the bar on standards, in the interests of ‘fairness’  We WANT the best and the brightest, SO RAISE THE BAR ON STANDARDS!



It is the job of the government to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic, (Article 4 sect. 4) not pass “Health-Care” that nobody wants anyway.  Now, if you listen to this, maybe a small percentage of STUPID will have diminished!

  This is very embarassing that the once greatest nation in the world has become a nation of STUCK ON STUPID AND DUNCE.

STUPID, NUMB, and dowright DUMB!

Tyrants do NOT care about approval ratings! National DISTRESS CALL!!

Every day, you hear it over and over from die-hard republicans; “Obama’s approval rating is low” – Let me tell you straight up, Obama does NOT care about approval ratings!  Pelosi does not care, Hitlery does not care! They don’t care about you PEONS!

A Newsweek Magazine poll found that more than seven-eighths of Americans oppose President Bush’s prolonged war in Iraq and his choice to send 21,000 more troops into harm’s way without a timetable for withdrawal.

Consequently, for the first time in office, his approval ratings have sunk below those of Adolf Hitler’s.

When asked what he thought of the unflattering comparison, the President said pointedly, “It takes a strong leader to do what’s in your heart and not what’s popular. Adolf had the courage to act on his convictions, and I admire that. He didn’t care about approval ratings or Polls.”

Bush even  said it.  He didn’t care.  The approval of this nation, he did not care about, NEITHER DOES OBAMA.  IF you thought Bush was bad, just keep watching this administration of death, tyranny and destruction, they do not care, I tell you they don’t.


There is supposed to be an opposition party – the republican party is supposed to be the firewall, they are traitors…Nothing is going to change until a high profile candidate steps up to a mic on a national feed and announces that we are in the end game of a Bolshevik Revolution. That the Democrat Party as structured has been taken over by criminals funded by foreign money….that we are on the threshold of enslavement and Obama is an ENEMY OF THE STATE ! Not one has done it…


Where is the spirit of the WW2 generation, the spirit that kept America through the great Depression, and that same spirit that fought the tyrants, then- came back to tell all about it? The spirit that stormed the beaches of Normandy? The spirit that drove Patton through Africa, the spirit that KNEW the enemy by READING HIS BOOK!?

That spirit that made women like Rosie the Riveter…WHERE IS IT?  That is what is needed to bring troops HOME. the spirit that caused F.D.R., to make a speech so profound, that it is played over and over, the “Day of Infamy” speech?!  Even the speech that prompted G.W. Bush to speak with boldness on the Friday after 9/11?!


MY GOD, America! You have been attacked.  How can you not wake up, how can you NOT see what the hell is going on?! 

 Obama is an ENEMY OF THE STATE.

Get your flag out,

fly it upside down,


The Youtube below, should show you what distress we are in…


 Pat Cadell left wing pollster, Democrat party loyalist and former advisor to Carter said on Hannity’s show when the boob was on vacation;  He said that the admnistration is made up of a cabal of America Hating Bolsheviks and tyrants and criminals! …What Republican has said it on a national feed?? NOT ONE has called Obama a criminal tyrant, dictator?  and called for a recall and impeachment ???    People are not familiar with the Bolshevik cancer that originated in Russia killing 25 million and then spread to German and are now on the threshold of pulling off the Revolution that they started in 1910?? How many know the history? 

Well, you had better WAKE UP, and I mean NOW!


We have to get moving stronger, harder, more, and wake people up.

We ARE headed toward a Holocaust of Patriots, Christians and right-Wing Jews, they are trying to SHUT US UP, people.

They want our 1st ammendment GONE. Wake UP before its too late.


Veteran David Hedrick’s words below:
I, David William Hedrick, a member of the silent majority, decided that I was not going to be silent anymore. So, I let U.S. Congressman Brian Baird have it. I was one questioner out of 38, that was called at random from an audience that started at 3,000 earlier in the evening. Not expecting to be called on, I quickly scratched what I wanted to say on a borrowed piece of paper and with a pen that I borrowed from someone else in the audience minutes before I spoke. So much for the planned talking points of the right wing conspiracy.


I just do, I see it, and one thing people, whites stand alone while the vermin RAVAGE, pillage, plunder and rape. 

And they WILL.  When there is NO $$$, they WILL RIOT.

If anything I can see from the election of Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a massive UPPITY attitude from American ‘minorities’

You know who I am talking about….3rd worlders, uh…black people…uh.. illegals…uh mean Mexican people.


 The people I know that are black and Mexican, are GOOD, God fearing individuals that LOVE America,  I REFUSE to hang with the dregs of society, whether they are white, Jew, Christian, black, brown, yellow, etc..but the FACT is that the ‘minorities’ will RIOT when things get out of control. 

The bad part is we DO NOT have morally sound people in the W.H., but traitors that will probably let the streets go to hell. 

 I need to REFRESH your memory how BAD IT CAN GET:

(click on the pictures for a bigger view)

“White people will never riot a la Watts.”

You’re right, White folks would have a chain of command and a strategy for getting what they wanted, not just a mindless desire to raise hell. They’re also a good bit more lethal once aroused, something many seem to have forgotten in their haste to blame all the world’s evils on white folks. Sooner or later, they’ll figure, “we’re already getting blamed and paying for being evil, let’s do it”.

Rev. Manning is more in touch with things that most I’d say. People are fed up and they’re only waiting for the straw to come along to justify their declaring the camel’s back broken. If history is any guide, some stupid democrap will break the camels back with something they intended to be just for gaining the upper hand in democrap infighting…. see where I got this from: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/2283889/posts





this link above people, my buddy-“TODAYPERHAPS” did the research.  NO ACCIDENT. 

Christian people in USA- WAKE THE HELL UP!
