“Aryan-Nation/White Supremists” More Brown & Islam than White, Right & Christian?

[I have told people of the Islamo-Nazi alliance (White Supremist alliance). This is a link from 2005 {below the next paragraph}. But, you really don’t need an older link to know who these fools would side with.]    These same crazies call themselves “Patriots”, yet side with people that our troops fight overseas…THAT makes sense…

  This is what supposed white supremists WANT for America? Shariah Law?  These people say they have a lot in common with the Muslims. Okkkkk….  So, it is safe to assume that they want their women wearing burkas.  Gorgeous, white, blonde women donned in burkas…?? It is safe to assume that people like the INCOG MAN | INCOG MAN would beat his wife into submission? After all, the Hadith teaches that a womans brain is half that of a man.  This is not ‘anti-Muslim’ propaganda-this is what Islam believes and this is what White Supremists want, just because they hate all the Jews?  GET A GRIP.  GET A GRIP. It is better to just hate someone then to ‘make allies’ with Americas foreign enemies, just because you hate someone else.  It also makes these “Conservative” White Supremists on the same page as these creepy Progressives. Ew. It makes their “White-Pride World Wide” sound really stupid and contradictory.

  White people are going through massive amounts of racism. This is no way to combat. Islam will beat you/us (Yeah, I AM WHITE) worse than even the Mexican/Marxists and Obama/Blacks.

Now, these White Supremists say they hate Obama, but they act just like him & the progressives, in demanding that people not give Israel moral support based on biblical standing.  That is what the leftists do: Attack Christians. All day, all night.


**Link provided by Phillip Daniel, one of our bloggers:

Also, Youtube provided by Phillip Daniel:
Video of the friends/allies of Aryan Nations/”White Supremists” calling a white Duchess, Kate Middleton a whore and Queen Elizabeth’s head needs to be covered.
You had better start thinking about your priorities, White Supremist people. This is what Islamo-nuts do to pretty white women in EU, this is what you all want HERE??

12 Tribes Of Israel in the book of Revelations, below (Which is WHY Christians support Israel, you dummies)

27 thoughts on ““Aryan-Nation/White Supremists” More Brown & Islam than White, Right & Christian?

  1. “Aryan-Nation/White Supremists” More Brown & Islam than White, Right & Christian?”

    Islam itself is White Supremacism — Muhammad, the “Perfect Man”, is described as a White Man in the Canonical Ahadith. Most of the Islamic Empires, from the Mamluks and Seljuks to the Mughals and Alawites, have been White Caucasoid.


  2. Well, then we must assume that they want to beat the hell out of their women, put them in burkas and kill them.


  3. Why do they use that “White christian nation” jargon, then, that is an out n out LIE.


  4. Some racist/white supremist Sahih Ahadith…

    “Narrated ‘Abdullah: The Prophet said, “I saw (in a dream) a black woman with unkempt hair going out of Medina and settling at Mahai’a, i.e., Al-Juhfa. I interpreted that as a symbol of epidemic of Medina being transferred to that place (Al-Juhfa).””


    “Abu Darda reported that the Holy Prophet said: Allah created Adam when he created him. Then He stroke his right shoulder and took out a white race as if they were seeds, and He stroke (his left shoulder and took out a black race as if they were coals. Then He said to those who were in his right side: Towards paradise and I don’t care. He said to those who were on his left shoulder: Towards Hell and I don’t care. – Ahmad”


    And a racist Ayah from the Koran…

    “And on the day of resurrection you shall see those who lied against Allah; their faces shall be blackened. Is there not in hell an abode for the proud?”


    And, from the Muqaddimah of 14th-century Islamic scholar Ibn Khaldun…

    “Therefore, the Negro nation are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because (Negroes) have little (that is essentially) human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated.”


    I could go on and on with this, there are so many other examples…


  5. “Why do they use that “White christian nation” jargon, then, that is an out n out LIE.”

    They want to “de-Judaize” Christianity. Make it more like Islam(ism) — militant, murderous.


  6. “Gorgeous, white, blonde women donned in burkas”

    The blond-haired blue-eyed Muslim women residing in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria, the Dobruja region of Romania, the Crimea, the Northern Caucasus, and the Idel-Ural region of Russia already wear the Burkha…

    I imagine that’s how women in Budapest, Hungary looked between 1541 and 1686, while Hungary was under Ottoman occupation…


  7. So, they want Christians to become murderers.
    Sounds just like left wing craziness to me.


  8. Philip- I am sorry about that. It is wordpress. I dont know why it is like that.
    I have emailed on several occasions, even on behalf of the incogidiot, but they are ‘working on it’..


  9. They call darker people ‘muds’.
    I call darker people that act insane “Obamas blacks” or “Marxist/Mexicans”, and I feel that is fair enough.
    I am not really nice to left wing Judenrate scum either.


  10. Well, Phil, I wrote from my own frankness.
    Hopefully, these FOOLS will wake the hell up, but I really doubt it


  11. “I call darker people that act insane “Obamas blacks” or “Marxist/Mexicans”, and I feel that is fair enough.”

    It’s not about skin pigmentation, it’s about CULTURE.


  12. Lots of my own people have terrible culture.
    I didnt think of it like that–been too busy trying to tackle Obamas race-hustling.
    Never gave things like this a 2nd thought until 2007, when this CREEP was campaigning.


  13. MJ, can’t watch any you tube on net. Speakers kaput. Stuck in mountains.
    Have to wait till I get to town – or if someone comes up.
    I hope you have learnt how to live in the wild, and know how to make a fire in the rain?


  14. Yes, I do, QV.
    My whole family are survivalists and military: USAF, MARINES, USARMY, only 2 in the Navy.
    My Dad is Iroquois and has 30 acres WAY Upstate, NY in Appalacia deep in the woods. He is always hunting and roughing it.
    It is a terrible rotten video, saying the queen should be in a head covering, and Kate Middleton is a whore.
    Thats who these anti/Christian, anti/ -Israel-God slimes like http://www.incogman.net LOVE to kissy kissy.
    Yimach Shemo. Gross.
    THEY are the reason that God is allowing tornado after tornado, you should see how bad it is here because of the cursed Barack HUSSEIN Al Aqsa-Bama


  15. “It is a terrible rotten video, saying the queen should be in a head covering, and Kate Middleton is a whore.”

    He also says that PM David Cameron should pay the Jizya as a servile and obedient little Dhimmi — in other words, UK’s Prime Minister should submit to Islamic Religious Apartheid.


  16. Good to hear that MJ. Because what would mainstream America do when an EMP strikes?
    There is an excellent article EMP Attacks—What the U.S. Must Do Now, by James Carafano, Ph.D. and Richard Weitz, Ph.D. What is said in this article is founded on well documented information. The article gives 48 references. The article also gives a hair curling detailed analysis of what would happen in the U.S. after a successful EMP attack.
    An EMP could reduce a great city or a great nation to nothing in one day. And yes, the cities would burn because there would be no water or fire trucks to put out the fires and the EMP itself would start many fires. Are Americans aware of the danger, and are they prepared?
    Russia and China have the capabilities to deliver an EMP attack against the US. There was an attack , late last year Ibelieve, — a submarine missile launch off of the west coast was to show that the US had no defense. Had the missile been directed toward over the US and had it had a nuclear warhead on it, many deaths would have occurred.
    The shocking state of affairs is, Americans should have received the message and demanded a response from government. However, most Americans believe the disinformation fed them through government controlled medias. So, most Americans still think this foreign missile launch was an airliner contrail. The abdication of responsibility and the reliance on the government is unbelievable.
    Research , bookmark, and read as many times to get contents of article memorized.
    It is most crucial.
    Those living in the remote rural areas will not be affected. Hence, many Americans, True Christians in the lead, are sellng up and leaving for the mountains and the wild.


  17. All muslims are PRODUCTS OF RAPE. Get that clear. Every country that has been islamised and with a muslim population are the dregs of RAPE. From the time of mohd (pigs blood upon him) selling blue eyed, blonde european women is ongoing. In good ole’ England , young pre-pubescent British girls are kidnapped and sold into sex slavery.Pakistani controlled ‘no go “ Luton have muslims prowling to tempt young girls with gifts and then before they know it, the 14 year old is serving 20 – 30 “customers” a day.
    Look at the jails in the West that has these uncontrollable rapists behind bars. 92% of them are filthy muslims who can’t keep their filthy cock zipped. And you want to know why muslims in the West insist on wearing their “national” clothes? Its up with the “skirt”, out with the penis, and rape. If it’s the Pakistani style pants, its unstring it, out with the penis and rape. And its gang rape. If caught, their local imam comes running to taqiyyah to the infidel to save their muslim to rape another day.
    It is not the muslims that are to be blamed entirely. It is the West’s deranged leftists who abet , aid, and collude with the muslims to have their women raped. What they can’t do they take pleasure in seeing their darling muslim do.


  18. Anjem Choudhary, Omar Bakri, Abu Hamza — the one-eyed, hooked hand Tony Blair rolled out the red carpet for, have been calling for the Black Flag of islam to fly over Buckingham Palace, the Queen in a burqa (and genitally mutilated of course). Muslims in Britain call all white women “whores” because they are products of rape and their mothers are whores —- used, discarded, and into another bordello. Muslim marriages are prostitution mandated.
    The attack on Kate, the new Duchess of Cambridge, is because they can’t get at her to fuck her. And what the muslim can’t have , he curses , while he ejaculates even as he speaks!

    It is Britain’s fault. They arselick muslims. Now they should enjoy the growing muslim population (more than half are idiots mentally, and cripples physically – due to consangenious akad nikah – meaning, inserting penis into cunt) while the average Briton works his butt off, lives on Heinz beans on toast 5 days a week to keep muslims in style.
    And that’s why today Britain is known as Bankrupt, Broken and Bonkers!


  19. Yes, there WAS an attack, I covered it, I had it up for DAYS, and nobody said a word.
    Thats America now, a bunch of stupid sheep that hail their moonbat messiah FAIL of a ‘g’od.


  20. Much of the people in the white pride movement are too ideological, they have a whole complicated worldview with all sorts of theories about things. It extends way beyond white pride, it is a religion. I have no problem though with anyone being proud of their race or ethnicity or racial mixture… however people who say they are white pride need to have a new name for themselves because what they are into is something that extends well beyond pride.


  21. Philip, and it seems the English are all too willing to just allow this type behavior flourish


  22. Well, they certainly ARE betraying their Christian base. As if Christians dont have enough on their plate with these Christian hating admins.?

    Aligning with Muslims who HATE Christians–even worse than left wing Jews (and even some religious Jews), is a SURE way to lose friends fast.
    Many Jews are brainwashed against Christians, this is truth, but Muslims would love to murder Christians, as they ARE doing in Egypt, Iran, Iraq and SEVERAL Islamo-dominated countries.


  23. [[and it seems the English are all too willing to just allow this type behavior flourish]]
    Now you understand why Yahweh called Ephraim (Britain) a silly, witless dove!


  24. It is not that the white people are ideological. It is that the white people became lazy, did not exercise Eternal Vigilance to protect themselves, their culture, traditions, heritage. They surrendered their brains to a demonic bunch of deranged protoplasms calling themselves Leftists . Emphasis on Hegelianism, the state is supreme, the individual merely a pawn to be trained. This became the the basis of the West’s ‘educational system’. Political Correctness was invented precisely to prevent the sheeple , aided by the Muckstream Press Whores, to stop sheeple from pursuing questions.

    The ongoing “dumbing down” of the worldwide general public and the ongoing political indoctrination of students in government controlled schools, at all levels in the West bred generations of zombies – you see it: the West can’t bring themselves to call a muslim terrorist a terrorist. If it is a muslim terrorist who murdered several, immediately the noun “extremist” “insurgent” “radical” is used.

    We analyse the West’s political correctness as nothing more than a cunning and cruel political device directly from Karl Marx. Speech-manipulation is nothing more than a tool of classical Marxism.


  25. That is why I tackle these ‘race’ issues re ‘minorities’ here in America, because it is a LIE.
    These people will NOT bind me up.
    I will say what I damned well want to say.


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