Obama Demands $1.1 Trillion Ransom–or He Will Crash Economy, GO AHEAD YOU COMMUNIST

Obama Demands $1.1 Trillion Ransom–or He Will Crash Economy, GO AHEAD YOU COMMUNIST

GO AHEAD, OBAMA.  Do what you have to do and get it over.  It is apparent that your anti redemptive soul is going straight to hell, anyway.

This kind of insanity makes me livid.  Obama’s a totalitarian bully.  And, all the GOP has is that weeping, cry-baby, BRAT, John Boehner to stand up to this fascist.  This bastard never stops. Obama just agitates, instigates and causes dissension.  Imagine if this was a Republican ‘prez?”  Are you kidding? The Main stream media would be foaming at the mouth and chomping at the bit to get this news out.  But, not with OBAMA.  Nope, he gets a pass because #1. He’s black.  #2 He is a Communist/Democrat.  These people cannot be trusted in power.

Click-Barack Obama is demanding a $1.1 trillion “ransom“–or else he will not allow the debt ceiling to be raised. 

9 thoughts on “Obama Demands $1.1 Trillion Ransom–or He Will Crash Economy, GO AHEAD YOU COMMUNIST

  1. The Nigger Skunk is fooling Americans. The “ shutdown” is really a scare tactic, because 83% of the government is still operating, since the vast majority have been declared “essential”.
    Go back to 2006 when WHITEY Bush was in office. The NIGGER Skunk, the Muslim Filthy Turd that rejects his half-white, the half-Luo tribe descendant with ARAB slave trading blood coursing through his Nigger veins, as Senator, justified his righteous opposition to raising the debt ceiling when President Bush was in office (2006):

    The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. …INCREASING AMERICA’S DEBT WEAKENS US DOMESTICALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY. . Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, WASHINGTON IS SHIFTING THE BURDEN OF BAD CHOICES TODAY ONTO THE BACKS OF OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. AMERICA HAS A DEBT PROBLEM AND A FAILURE OF LEADERSHIP.. Americans deserve better.

    That was $8 trillion ago.

    The Nigger Skunk 0bama’s leadership? Oh, the stinking turd expanded the wars, slashed vital safety net programmes, exonerated Wall Street criminals, and continued the vicious attack on civil liberties. He’s done everything in his power to boost the profits of the big corporations and banks, but hasn’t lifted a finger to help ordinary working people. And his efforts have paid off, too. Just look at this from Huffington Post:
    “Corporate profits have increased by 18.6 percent over the past year…. In fact, corporate earnings now represent a larger share of GDP than during any other period in history…
    Real wages have declined by nearly seven percent in the past seven years, according to data collected by the compensation research company Payscale. In other words, US workers have less buying power now than they did before the financial crisis…
    His administration, he dutifully intones, will set new standards in openness and access, and make the workings of government more transparent than at any time in US history. What’s happening in practice is invariably the opposite. Learning from the mishaps of its predecessor, each runs a tighter and more leak-averse ship than the one that went before.

    Will Americans have the gall to take him to task? REMOVE HIM. Or you will be removed.


  2. Pingback: Obama Demands $1.1 Trillion Ransom–or He Will Crash Economy, GO AHEAD YOU COMMUNIST | Grumpy Opinions

  3. The Nigger Skunk should ask the Federal Reserve. They are the ones responsible for the current SHIT! The world needs de – Americanisation.


  4. Oh, President Bashar Assad of Syria calls for the international community to support the creation of a new, transitional government in America in th e current tough crisis. Caused by the Insatiably Greedy, Corrupt of America’s so-called oh so democracy, human rights ‘leaders’.

    The rest of the world should insist on a Transitional Government and save the American people (majority of whom are Parasites) while implementing what is practised out in the East: Work, Save, and look after the family – from grandparents to grandchildren. NO WELFARE!

    John Kerry, the American Slime Slug countered that Syria needs a transitional government even as his utterly evil, filthy country now plans a coup in the poorest African nation of Gambia.

    America’s INSATIABLE GREED KNOWS NO LIMITS! Utterly Evil nation!!


  5. American leaders are CHEAPSKATES.

    The Westminster City Council warden put a £80 penalty notice on a silver Mercedes vehicle in Central London which had taken former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton (left) to an event at Chatham House. The row was caught on camera by photographer Greg Brennan, who said five of her guards were waiting inside a Mercedes van next to her car at the time because it was raining. The warden then arrived and put a ticket on the car, prompting her security detail to jump out of the van in protest , Mr Brennan said.



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