Between Heaven & Earth…

I think about Heaven a lot now.. 

I guess it’s because I see how terrible it is going to get here on the earth.  My little girl soul is waiting for me to go to the ‘pearly gates’.  The Earth is becoming like a huge cage.  Isnt it?  I guess that’s why I added this face  in my digi-art piece above.

I know many of you are scared.  I feel scared at times as well.  But, I know that God will protect and shield us in this time if we trust in HIM.  Depressing also:  Today, I was at the store…the masked people everywhere.  It was very somber to me.  So,  I told my husband… Please check the groceries out because I am going to totally break down  just looking at these masked people.  He was so gracious and told me to go to the car.  The reason the masked people bother me is because they are so willing to give up all their rights without question… And, I am up in the sticks, people. The boonies.  The Mainstream owns them and they can’t even see it.  Its distressing, drab, dark with a cloud of hopelessness hovering.

Much of this virus has been ‘planned’.  Absolutely.  Today, I read an article where all of the Hollywood fruitloops want ‘radical change’ and do not want to ‘return to normal’.    What they want is a Socialist/Communist type system which can also be called ‘globalism’, one world, new world order.  They’ll ‘get their way’ because satanic Leftists always ‘get their way’.    What we are up against is SO nefarious and evil….We will not see the end of it until Jesus comes again.

The book of Revelation basically tells us is we are ALL screwed…the hope: some will make it thru great trial and tribulation.  Let us pray that we endure this madness until the end.


9 thoughts on “Between Heaven & Earth…

  1. Finally getting an adult child to go through his paper and toss. Election one appeared that is some “private” organization chastising him for not voting. Soooooo creepy! We thought that our voters records are private but not in recent years. In these highly divisive hateful retaliatory times who wants to allow themselves to be categorized by how they vote? It’s basically that you drank red koolaid or blue koolaid and is useless for us since they sidestep what we voted for with their backroom deals. Yes end times IDK if you remember but I always said that I don’t want to go on this ride and NOBODY in this house will participate in VOTING. TPTB made a joke of voting – I’m not playing along end of. Love you for sharing and trying MJ.


  2. I, too, have “had it” with the mask crowd. Masks should be worn for someone who has a contagious disease, not for those of us who don’t have it and have no symptoms – or reasons to believe we have it. Then, you exit the store, and what’s littered all over the parking lot and green spaces? The masks and those cheap, thin, free-handout gloves the store “offers” you at the entrance. It’s a [profanity excluded) ‘ing bad flu, with the actual cases and deaths inflated and grossly overestimated. “Got hit by a bus and died, put it down as Covid, we get more federal funding.” Enough is enough.


  3. Drake, where are you? I’m in Maricopa county and never saw gloves and it seems that all the stores now use homemade Everclear hand sanitizer! One whiff of that & I forget what I’m doing! They get you coming in and at the cash register but not on the way out. (Honestly I thought that they wouldn’t let me shop if I didn’t have a mask.) I tried pickup but they screwed up so badly that I had to go inside and get what I needed


  4. The masked moonbats make me totally depressed. They are just reiterating their compliance to police, fascist state


  5. Had to go to the store today for 1 item. Almost NO masks. 1 week ago it was almost ALL masks. Looks like most agree with you here.


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