2 More Dreams/Vision From God: Planes Hitting Building/s & MORE Terrible Flooding

2 More Dreams/Vision From God: Planes hitting Building & MORE Terrible Flooding

Dreams can be warnings from God. We all know this now. I’ve had many dreams of this horrible affliction of flooding: Here, CLICK


Use your spirit-given discernment. I am only human and can be wrong. 🙂

Some of the flooding dream Ive had since 2013 and even before.

See The Flooding EVERYWHERE. (I’ve Been Dreaming Of These Floods & Water)

Dream Of Water/Flooding EVERYWHERE.

2 More Dreams: Another Coming Tidal Wave & Maine Under Water

3 More Dreams I Believe From God: Laser Rockets, Nukes, Waters Rising Like A Tsunami

My 1st Apocalyptic Dream In 1981 (When I Was 17 Yrs Old) About California Under Water:

As believers, we don’t base faith on dreams but consider dreams to be possible warnings from the Holy Spirit for the time ahead.

6 thoughts on “2 More Dreams/Vision From God: Planes Hitting Building/s & MORE Terrible Flooding

  1. you have been right a lot over the years
    I believe as you do, we should pay attention to warnings and adjust ourselves accordingly

    your visions scare me sometimes because I know you have a gift

    my gift is a little bit different but related

    I can’t really explain it but I know stuff

    I am rarely surprised by anything but God Himself

    you are some kind of modern prophet and people should pay attention to your visions

    I hope you get some happy ones soon

    peace in our land
    freedom from tyranny

    TRUMP is the man we need running this nation if we are to heal. He is a good guy. Everyone who says otherwise is incorrect
    people dont like me, either


    time to go nap with my cat for a minute

    plz pray for my enemies
    they r in for heap big trouble

    Liked by 2 people

  2. HaShem sends you warnings. I always pay attention and just wait for them to happen. It might be tomorrow. It might be in 5 years. (Although I don’t think we have 5 years left.) It never fails when calamity falls that I remember, “P had a dream about this.” Rock on beautiful friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Zilla, Church International, the church Prophet Robin D Bullock attends and his wife Robin R Bullock pastors has sent out a healing prayer for you on Tuesday 6/18/2024. You can see the Tuesday night prayer on their YouTube channel Church International.


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