Palestinian NAZI Terrorists Vandalize C.S.U.L.A… Plus: Jewish Homes Bloodied Up By Palestinian, Muslim, NAZI Terrorists In NYC. (You’re Next If You Don’t Comply )

Palestinian NAZI Terrorists Vandalize C.S.U.L.A… Plus: Jewish Homes Bloodied Up By Muslim, NAZI Terrorists In NYC

The only thing stopping Muslim, Nazi Palestinian terrorists is Israel. Christians will be next and anyone who does not comply. The Nazi terrorists are in a Jihad against anyone who refuses to comply. Don’t believe me? Take a GOOD look at Europe…

1 thought on “Palestinian NAZI Terrorists Vandalize C.S.U.L.A… Plus: Jewish Homes Bloodied Up By Palestinian, Muslim, NAZI Terrorists In NYC. (You’re Next If You Don’t Comply )

  1. Thank Jobama for fundamentally changing America into a third-world shithole. I can’t feel sorry for New Yorkers since they vote for demented Democrats.

    Liked by 2 people

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