Commie-Fornia Chooses To Not Plant Crops.

Commie-Fornia Choose To Not Plant Crops

The weather warfare is working grand. The Communists just keep winning. More stimulus’s to break the system will be coming for the migrants the Leftists claim to love.

These are the fruits of an unrepentant nation:

Ive told David: Let’s leave America… but where will we go? There is NO place where people are not being affected. I watch the disaster channels on YT. It is bad everywhere. Since this is happening, we will be facing huge prices for vegetables. There will be a famine.

5 thoughts on “Commie-Fornia Chooses To Not Plant Crops.

  1. Its acting up. Lets try again. Only God can preserve anyone. But to remain in an obvious area of non survival is tempting God, a bad thing to do. Rules for america is similuar in other pkac


  2. It keeps sending itself, yikes! Dont remain on a coastline in usa. Dont be in huge urban area. Dont be near a nuke reactor. Dont be near most military bases and facilities. There are special exceptions based on type of instllation. Try to not be in democrat ruled area unless very isolated. Beware of seismic and volcanic trouble areas. Consider weather and food growing possibilities. Then chemical sky spraying and 6g satellites can bother any area. Some guy once found the safest spot in america was just above forida panhandle in alabama. He found no other spot. People go to the ozarks, but if not in elevated areas, will end up under water. Id think israel is not safe but its where in israel by same rules. Israels big citys probally wont survive. Israel has one advantage over america outside of Gods promise 1/3 to be preserved, as israel still has far more small mom and pop businesses and open food markets. America is too too corporate controlled. Israel does not link property tax to home ownership. Dont pay property tax (cause need jabbed to pay then you get garnishnent, bad credit etc, but they dont steal your home in israel like america does. Sure, the rules can be changed. I once looked at the jewish state of birobidjan stalin created in east russia on chinese border. Its far bigger than israel in land. It has much forrest and waterways. Other than its alaska iike climate it has all one needs to survive if one has tools and dont need medicine and physically can work.most jews left and mostly mongolians remain. The railroad turned it into a drug center but oh well. In sum, we need God to survive but to stay in areas that survival is zero and ask help is tempting God. Ive checked some good islands but the islands are slated to go underwater.


  3. Im not anywhere near all of that. BUT, I am only 150 miles from the Palo Verde 😦
    Im not going to islands either! I want to but hell no!


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