Yahoo News ADMITS NAZI’s In Ukrainian Military. They Must Be “PUTIN PROPAGANDISTS!”

Yahoo News ADMITS NAZI’s In Ukrainian Military. They Must Be “PUTIN PROPAGANDISTS!”

Friggin scuz, lying media just DIE some more! This is why I’ll never be a real journo… Because I can’t help but to tell these lying pigs off! Are they now Putin propagandists? Moscow trolls?????

We ARE arming NAZI’s in Ukraine. What a filthy country that arms the enemies our Grandfathers fought. I’m SO ashamed. I could just puke any time I think of this: WE ARM NAZIS IN UKRAINE. (Today’s news, 6-5-23)

I covered this insanity in Ukraine at length for YEARS: here

9 thoughts on “Yahoo News ADMITS NAZI’s In Ukrainian Military. They Must Be “PUTIN PROPAGANDISTS!”

  1. Have you heard about the color psyop ? The colors of ukraine is blue and yellow. The colors of the jab is blue and yellow.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nazis fit in. The Leftists love them. Stalin and Hitler set up the Dream Team during WWII in the German-Soviet Alliance. It’ll come to nought when they turn upon each other (meaning the Ukes will turn on the West and file for peace with Russia.)

    Today the Russians pulled the plug literally, bombing the dam-waters of the Dnipro River.


  3. Trump Owns Stock in Pfizer and Drug Companies Producing Gender-Affirming Therapies and Hormone Blockers

    Trump has promised to ban child gender transitions – but owns stock in the Big Pharma companies he’s promised to investigate for ‘illegally marketing’ hormone therapies and puberty blockers


    Even after he’s promised to go after Big Pharma for pushing such drugs to minors, former President Trump has held stock in three companies that make the puberty blockers that are essential for children undergoing a gender transition.

    ‘The left-wing gender insanity being pushed on our children is an act of child abuse, very simple. Here is my plan to stop the chemical, physical, and emotional mutilation of our youth,’ Trump said in a campaign speech on February 1.

    But as recently as the end of last year, Trump held between $600,003 and $1,251,000 in three companies that make gender-affirming therapies and hormone blockers, according to a analysis of his financial disclosures.

    He also financial stakes in Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson – a fact that could be seized on by Ron DeSantis‘ campaign as the war of words over COVID records heats up in the 2024 race.

    Trump has called gender transition care ‘child abuse,’ ‘left-wing insanity’ and ‘mutilation’ — while pledging to pass a federal law to outlaw it.

    The former president and current GOP 2024 candidate promised on ‘Day One’ to revoke President Biden’s ‘cruel’ policies on gender-affirming care, signing a new executive order instructing every federal agency to cease all programs that ‘promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age.’

    He’s promised to urge Congress to pass a law ‘prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states’ and claw back Medicare and Medicaid funding from any hospital that provides gender transition care for minors.

    Trump then promised to have the Department of Justice investigate Big Pharma ‘to determine whether they have deliberately covered up horrific long-term side- effects of ‘sex transitions’ in order to get rich.’

    Trump said the DOJ would investigate whether Big Pharma ‘illegally marketed hormones and puberty blockers.’

    ‘No serious country should be telling its children that they were born with the wrong gender—a concept that was never heard of in all of human history—nobody’s ever heard of this, what’s happening today,’ Trump concluded.

    Children as young as eight who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria can be given medication to halt the puberty process: an increasingly controversial practice as transgender issues and sex and gender education in schools have been launched front and center to GOP politics.

    According to Trump’s most recent disclosures, which cover his investments between January 2021 and December 2022, he held between $350,002 and $750,000 in Pfizer – the drug company that makes feminizing therapies depo-estradiol, depo-provera and male hormone suppressant aldactone.

    He also invested between $250,001 and $500,000 in Novartis, a company that makes gender-affirming therapies Vivelle and Vivelle Dot – where estradiol is the active ingredient.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “I covered this insanity in Ukraine at length for YEARS.”

    You did, you were ahead of the curve and saw it coming. Others either didn’t know or did and turned a blind eye to it.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Forensic Expert Explains What The Azov Battalion Democrat Supported NAZI’S Did To A Female In Ukraine | The Mad Jewess

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