AWFUL!! Israeli Govt Selling 200 Merkava Tanks To Ukrainian NAZI’s. The Literal Grandchildren Of The Nazis Who Tortured & Murdered Their Grandparents

AWFUL!! Israeli Govt Selling 200 Merkava Tanks To Ukrainian NAZI’s. The Literal Grandchildren Of The Nazis Who Tortured & Murdered Their Grandparents

I. Have. No. Words. This is a serious Chilul HaShem. A total desecration to God.

SaintsNoTaints (From Israel) sent this to me at I-24. Can you imagine a government SO stupid that it literally helps out the Grandchildren of the NAZI murderers in Ukraine?

Last year: The Times Of Israel Used To Report About The Nazis in #Ukraine. Now, They Lean In Favor Of Sending Ukrainian Nazi’s Arms & Support?

Pray for sane believers & Israeli religious and pray their government is destroyed.

Just puke.

9 thoughts on “AWFUL!! Israeli Govt Selling 200 Merkava Tanks To Ukrainian NAZI’s. The Literal Grandchildren Of The Nazis Who Tortured & Murdered Their Grandparents

  1. Satan is in control! Every country on earth! Christains PREPARE!!!!!! Its not going to get better!


  2. Here is a video of U.S. Military vehicles in Hollywood (earlier today):

    I was looking at Derek Johnson’s Telegram and he had a short video of U.S. Military vehicles in Philadelphia (16 June). Looks like the covert military operation of the past several years of getting rid of the global Deep State is now going overt.

    Derek Johnson – President Trump & Military in Control

    Derek Johnson – President Trump & Military in Control


  3. I dont see that at all, Tim. Sorry.
    The military is straight up gay, woke, aiding Nazis, pushing the LGBT all over the earth.
    That person is def is not thinking straight.


  4. Im sure there are but the commies are in charge of the military. All anyone has to do is see how depraved its become 😦


  5. That is only a smokescreen. President Trump controls the military.

    Example: May 2021, “Joe Biden” (or the actor who plays Joe Biden) sent “Secretary” Blinken to Iran to renegotiate the Iran Nuclear Deal. While Blinken was negotiating in Iran, the U.S. Military started bombing targets in Iran. “Joe Biden” has no control over the military because “Joe Biden” is not Commander in Chief.

    Dave Hayes – The Praying Medic: “Revealing the Role of the Military” (42:50 – 44:20)


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