Barack Obama: RESIGN. Just Resign. Enough Already.

Barack Obama: RESIGN. Just Resign. Enough Already.

How many more scandals must we suffer because the insane man in the White house refuses to just resign.  He is a DISASTER.  A scandal-plagued bastard.  The VA Scandal, Bergdahl, Benghazi, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Obama-care roll out, school shootings that are created to cause fear in the American public, 1000’s of illegal alien brats on the border, IRS, Fast n furious..My GOD! Stop already. Enough.

How much pain does this piece of garbage want to cause?  Many that know about Marxist revolutionaries say: Much pain.  Senators are blasting him, congressmen calling for impeachment.  How can this FOOL not take a damned hint?  I believe that the madman will just face more scandals and humiliation.. I predicted he would face more…Did his little black racists working for him not inform him of this?  Because they sure monitor my telephone and emails:  Just advise your king to RESIGN

Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

28 thoughts on “Barack Obama: RESIGN. Just Resign. Enough Already.

  1. You remind me of Winston Churchill, MJ. the lone voice in the wilderness for six long years warning Britain’s leftists/liberals and a passive, disinterested, apathetic nation about Hitler’s rapid Military Machine. Hopefully, like Churchill, you would get enough voices to chorus with yours.


  2. I believe it is a good thing for leaders, writers, lawyers, etc take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions.
    In fact, that is the only way to turn things around.
    Does not mean that UK will ever be anything great again, but its a good step


  3. Little ol me, QV?
    I am just a dumb Portugee 😉

    I wish I was more eloquent in speech and a better writer.


  4. You have more cojones and guts and courage of your convictions than the multitude of your so-called ‘amerikaners – home of the brave LOL! Never, never underestimate yourself, Brave Lady. Cheers


  5. Pingback: Barack Obama: RESIGN. Just Resign. Enough Already. | The Mad Jewess | Defending Sanity in the Uppity Down World

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  7. What do you think, qua Jew you are, about the Jews in Washington trying everything they can to drag Iran into the mess in Iraq, so as to have an excuse to start a war against Iran? Do you, qua Jew you are, think it’s in the best interests of Israel for the US to wage war against Iran?

    Also, what do you think, qua Jew you are, about the Jews in Washington who want the US military to invade Syria and join IN-Alliance with the Islamic Jihadist Muslim Brotherhood NAZI Hitler started? Why would Jews want to join IN-Alliance with a group — The Muslim Brotherhood — the NAZI Hitler started? I thought Jews were appalled and horrified and totally opposed to everything Hitler stood for. The Jews in Washington certainly aren’t opposed to the Islamic Jihadist Muslim Brotherhood the NAZI Hitler started. Quite the opposite, the Jews want us to make an ALLIANCE with the Nazi-Islamo Muslim Brotherhood the NAZI Hitler started. Qua Jew you are, what do you make of all this?

    Do you think the Jews should own the Middle East from the Nile to the Euphrates – “Eretz Israel” ? If so, why ? If no, what do you think about the Jews in Washington who want to turn the whole Middle East into a giant warzone? In other words, what’s their thinking, their motivations? You would know better than I do, qua Jew you are. Do you think that all this warmongering by Jews will eventually lead to the destruction of Israel? Or just the destruction of the USA? Or both?

    Also, we don’t hear much about Pakistan vis-à-vis how the Pakistanis think about ZOG attacking Iran. The Pakis have nukes. Do you think the Pakis would side with ZOG or with Iran, or just remain neutral, in any possible upcoming war between ZOG and Iran? I thought perhaps your husband would have some insight into this matter. It’s a dynamic we don’t hear about, either in the mainstream news or the alternative media : How will Nuclear Pakistan react to a ZOG attack on Iran?


  8. I dont see only Jews and why would I know all of this?
    Im just one little person who happens to be ethnic Jew and a mix breed.


  9. I never said you “see only Jews”.

    I mention Jews here because the Jews in Washington are in control, and Israel is part-and-parcel of what’s going on these days in the Middle East — the role of Israel in what’s going on in the Middle East is a very big dynamic of what’s going on there in the Middle East — so it’s natural to mention Jews when talking about Middle East matters. Do you want me to call the Jews in Washington, “Eskimos”? Or what?

    I thought you would know because I thought maybe your husband kept you abreast of matters. After all, he’s an expert on everything pertaining to the conflicts in the Middle East. That’s always very much implied here at your blog.

    Your husband is an expert, so I ask. I know the opinions of the lousy, traitor Jews. I know the opinions of the anti-Semites/anti-Jews. I do not know the opinions of the good Jews, so I come to your blog to find out, so I ask questions. Is this some sort of problem. It really shouldn’t be a problem.


  10. Jeez, what a lazy bumkin this SalvatoreInSpamblinka is. And what a mindless , incapable of thinking/analyzing twat.

    If there is truly a powerful Israel Lobby in WDC, Netanyahu would not have been humiliated and insulted by a Muslim Nigger when he visited the WH that stupid Amerikaners allow to become Nigger Shithouse. Nor would Israel be forced/threatened/pressured to return land she won by right in wars, and to give land as concessions for the elusive peace with muslims that was never realised. America demonstrated it is a Continent of Saudi Arabia No. 1 Arselickers since 9/11.

    Why are Amerikaners so stupid? The rest of the world knows that America is Corporation owned and operated by the Executor branch, bitch Elizabeth of the isles of Paedophiles & Parasites aka as slaves to Arab muslims Britain.
    It is all corporations owned & operated by the same blood related people. The House of Windsor sitting on the top.
    Who are under the Vatican Umbrella Corporation.
    It is the Jesuits who are in control of the US and the rest of the 5 eyes West. The only European nation the Vatican cares is Germany.


  11. I dont see just Jews on Obama’s staff in DC:

    Obama is a black Muslim/Commie, non Jew
    Holder is a black Commie, non Jew
    Jarrett is an Iranian, Non Jew
    Biden, a Jesuit, Non Jew
    Counselor to the President John Podesta (Non Jew),
    Senior Advisor, Dan Pfeiffer (Non Jew),
    Deputy Chief of Staff, Alyssa Mastromonaco, Non Jew,
    Secretary John Kerry, Non Jew,
    Secretary Chuck Hagel, Non Jew,
    Secretary Penny Pritzker, Non Jew,
    Secretary Thomas E. Perez, Non Jew,
    Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell, non Jew,
    Secretary Shaun L.S. Donovan, Non Jew,
    Secretary Ernest Moniz, Non Jew,
    Secretary Arne Duncan, Non Jew,
    Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Non Jew,
    White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, Non Jew,
    Administrator Gina McCarthy, Non Jew,
    Office of Management & Budget Acting Director Brian Deese, Non Jew,
    United States Mission to the United Nations, Ambassador Samantha Power, non Jew,
    Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet, Non Jew,
    Council of Economic Advisers, Chairman Jason Furman, non Jew
    JEWS on Obama’s Staff:
    Department of the Treasury
    Secretary Jack Lew

    Department of the Interior
    Secretary Sally Jewell

    United States Trade Representative
    Ambassador Michael Froman

    Penny Pritzker, Jew.

    Evil Jews that ARE in DC:

    Chuck Schumer,
    Wasserman Shultz,
    Waxman is gone, thank God.
    Cantor will be gone, thank God. Plus a few more jerk off “Jews”


    There are 32 Czars, 8 are Jews.

    The SCOTUS has 3 Jews. (BAD Jews)

    New stations are corporate conglomerates not ‘sole’ owners and Prince Bin Talal has the largest shares on FOX news.
    It is true that many Jews are Hollywood propagandists, but there are just as many non Jews that are also evil in Hollywood.

    So, I believe you see a lot of Jews and dont see the non Jews who are just as evil and choose evil.
    This is not MY problem. I am answerable for myself and my husband, not them.

    I believe that many big power Jews are seriously evil and there are political “Zionist” (Which in my opinion, they are NOT Zionists) who seem to love war, but many of them are just duped and brainwashed like most of the country.

    A true Zionist just believes Israel is the Jewish homeland, nothing more. A true Zionist believes that GOD will protect Israel IF they are a holy nation and GOD does not need the USA war machine to keep his land safe. Right now, I believe that Israel is choosing darkness with this ‘gay’ shit and multi-culture insanity, so GOD cannot bless this. He will have top judge it and he will. He has a remnant of Jews in Israel that DO love him.

    There ARE loud mouth “Jews” in the MSM. But, there are more NON Jews that are just as evil.

    That’s all.


  12. Gee, I learned something new here at MadJewess today. The Pritzker family isn’t Jewish. Obama’s boss, the real boss in the Oval Office, Valerie Jarret, isn’t Jewish. I guess Sheldon Adelson is a Jesuit also, 🙂 .

    And, of course, The Federal Reserve is owned by Eskimos.

    I shall endeavor to continue studying history and continue to do my own research. Thank you for the reminder, qv36.

    { The Pritzker family is most certainly a Jewish family. And, Valerie Jarret is a donmeh Jew. } Communist Jews in Chicago groomed Obama for the presidency.

    I’m heartened to see your comments weren’t censored today, qv36. Somehow, someway, your comments made it by the 5 eyes Anglo Nazis in Plano today.

    I await for David Ben Moshe’s synopsis of the Middle East situation. I’m actually curious to what he has to say. I don’t know why that is such an issue around here.

    That a reader of MJ wants to hear David Ben Moshe’s opinion of the Middle East situation shouldn’t be such a big brouhaha.


  13. Valerie Jarrett is an Iranian.
    Sheldon Adelson (Jewish) is a rich fruitcake moron, NOT in charge and certainly NOT a politician.

    The Pritzker family and its members are mostly of Ashkenazi Jewish descent.
    Sorry, my bad.

    I will change that, expeditiously.

    Does not account for the rest that are non Jews, Salvatore in Spamblinka. It was not just Jews that ‘groomed’ Obama.

    The Federal Reserve has not only been run by Jews.

    It is also a PRIVATE piece of shit entity. It is believed that Rothchild, Rockerfeller, Vanderbilt, Mellon, Carnegie, Morgan, Aster are in charge of it throughout the last 100 yrs.

    Currently Rothchild is the evil right now and he is a Jew.
    Why are non Jews putting Jews in charge of their $ ?


  14. Non-Jews put Jews in charge of their money — let the Jews own all the banks — so Non-Jews have a handy excuse not to be loyal to one another. It has always been thus throughout history.

    { This post is not meant in any way to condone Jewish perfidy } .


  15. Jews, like non Jews can be traitors.

    Non Jews are stupid to put Jews in charge of their $$. Totally.
    They are stereo-typing these Jews as being ‘good with money.’


  16. Pingback: Lexington Libertarian | God Bless the USA (VA Scandal Edition)

  17. Pingback: Barack Obama’s White House legacy: avoid it like the plague – « Dr Alf's Blog

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