Russell Brand On Bill Maher: Blows It OUT OF THE WATER Against Big Pharma

Russell Brand On Bill Maher: Blows It OUT OF THE WATER Against Big Pharma

Hat tip: Tim Shey

This is not ‘controlled opposition’. Sorry. This is a person that absolutely knows he could be shut down, in a spontaneous accident or even killed. They murdered Isaac Kappy. Remember? He was ‘in the club’, also.

Who is next? You? Does it take forever to load up your videos? Do your videos get taken down? Do your videos lack ‘hits?’ You’re probably going thru what Brand is going thru – but, on a smaller scale.

Did We All Know WHO Yuval Noah Harari Was Five Years Ago When Russell Brand Talked To Him?

Did We All Know WHO Harari Was 5 Years Ago When Russell Brand Talked To Him?

Here is Brand With Harari (5 years ago).


This is from an interview from 5 years ago. Since these last 5 years passed, Brand began a vigorous opposition against the government regarding the media but most of all: UKRAINE.

A lot has changed in 5 years and this was only an interview. Does an interview mean Brand is ‘part of the club?’ After being demonitized from Youtube should tell you NO – he isn’t. Unless you just want this dude to sink just because.

People CAN change on their road to the Lord.

Russell Brand Past Interviews: “God’s Presence Is My Strength”, Has A Jesus Tattoo. Pray For This Situation, People.

Told Ya! Russell Brand DEMONITIZED From Youtube. Any Voice Speaking Against The Cabal Vill Be Silenced!

Told Ya! Russell Brand DEMONITIZED By Youtube. Any Voice Speaking Against The Cabal Vill Be Silenced!

You vill be silenced!

You vill NOT qvestion ze cabal!

Not even if you are a supposed rapist (Leftists LOVE rapists, btw – just not if one is a conservative rapist, funny how that vorks…)

Look, Ive been watching these SatanCrat Communist animals since I first stood up to them at a City Hall in the fall of 1989. After I confronted the City Hall, my car was shot-gunned and rocks were thrown at my apartment windows. You all know how the Communist SatanCrats are are.

Here is the news about this:

The BBC removed some of Brand’s material from its streaming archive, joining a growing list of organizations distancing themselves from the performer, who denies sexual assault and has not been charged with any criminal offenses.

Candace Owens Blasts YouTube for Suspending Russell Brand Monetization: CLICK

Because Candace….it’s a crock of crap!

Is Russell Brand an evil dude? That’s very possible. He was a ‘star’ in Hollywood. Can a person change their views and work to clean up their act and possibly turn to God? Yes. Has he? I don’t know. Never cared for him. Is he a ‘rapist?’ The facts have not come out. These are allegations only. It seems to me that the same allegations are usually foisted upon the public when the Satanic cabal wants someone’s voice silenced and many women seem to rush to the aid of the cabal like good little Jezebel’s.



I really thought I made myself pretty clear. Both posts I published in the last couple of days are about false accusations of rape.

  1. These women who are accusing men of rape when there is no rape is disgusting to me.
  2. From the time of Potiphar his wife and Joseph, women have been accusing men of rape when there is no rape.
  3. What all of the men I mentioned did in their lives before, after or during is immaterial to me. I posted about the false accusations of rape and I absolutely believe they are FALSE.
  4. According to the evil beast news: Trump is a rapist. Clarence Thomas is a rapist. Pepe LePew is a rapist. Bill O’Reilly is an abusive, woman beating sexual whatever. Tim Ballard is a rapist. Russell Brand is a rapist. Eric Bolling (also) was/is a rapist. ETC. How many ‘rapists’ are walking free now? I’ve lost count. Um, Except, they’re not rapists.

It was brought to my attention that Russell Brand is one of the ‘bad guys’.. I never thought he was a ‘good’ person. Ive thought nothing of him at all. Does he deserve judgment for past sins? I’m sure but that was not my point. I don’t think Bill O’Reilly is a great person, again, not the point of my post. I never thought of Pepe LewPew as anything but a vintage cartoon. I know that Tim Ballard supposedly worked for the CIA. Do I like him? Thats not my point. Eric Bolling, I thought was an excellent journo. Still not my point.

All of the aforementioned were not my point.


Unless I didnt make myself clear: I don’t know a thing about Tim Ballard OR Russell Brand’s life 15 years ago or 5 years ago. (BOTH being accused of being sex monsters, basically) I only know when we’re being played to believe some garbage.. And, Im not into playing the games with the lying media. This is a ploy by the left to shut their voices up.

And, I am certainly NOT into the females lying about being raped << THAT to me is the most repulsive. I cannot stand it. And, anyone who knows me UNDERSTANDS that I absolutely DESPISE the way that most women (not all) but most – have become. And, even more beneath the barrel is accusing men of being rapists when they’re NOT.

I hope I made that clear?

7 Women Accusing Tim Ballard (Sound Of Freedom) Of Sex Whatever. Yesterday, Russell Brand. Add Kavanaugh, Pepe LePew, Bill O’Reilly, Trump – ALL RAPISTS?!

Looks Like The SatanCrat Commies Are After Russell Brand. They Dont Like What He’s Saying. So, Accuse Him Of Being A “Rapist”

Looks Like The SatanCrat Commies Are After Russell Brand. They Dont Like What He’s Saying. So, Accuse Him Of Being A “Rapist”

Looks Like The SatanCrat Commies Are After Russell Brand. They Dont Like What He’s Saying. So, Accuse Him Of Being A “Rapist”

So, Kavanaugh is a rapist. Pepe LePew is a rapist. Trump is a rapist. Clarence Thomas is a rapist. Bill O’Reilly is a brutal, woman-beating rapist. ETC! Now, Brand is a rapist. Who believes this garbage?

I don’t even understand WHY people are jumping on the Blame-Russell bandwagon. I’m not. He’s probably innocent. A new unwritten law is “Guilty until proven innocent”, not the vice versa.

These Harpies and Yenta’s have some damned nerve. Who would believe most western women in any event? I don’t. I don’t even hang with women, save the few who come here and comment. Ya can’t trust these women as far as you can throw ’em.

Probably just little angry birds who were paid some big bux to accuse another man of something he may never have done. It’s common here in Babylon America.