Tyrants do NOT care about approval ratings! National DISTRESS CALL!!

Every day, you hear it over and over from die-hard republicans; “Obama’s approval rating is low” – Let me tell you straight up, Obama does NOT care about approval ratings!  Pelosi does not care, Hitlery does not care! They don’t care about you PEONS!

A Newsweek Magazine poll found that more than seven-eighths of Americans oppose President Bush’s prolonged war in Iraq and his choice to send 21,000 more troops into harm’s way without a timetable for withdrawal.

Consequently, for the first time in office, his approval ratings have sunk below those of Adolf Hitler’s.

When asked what he thought of the unflattering comparison, the President said pointedly, “It takes a strong leader to do what’s in your heart and not what’s popular. Adolf had the courage to act on his convictions, and I admire that. He didn’t care about approval ratings or Polls.”

Bush even  said it.  He didn’t care.  The approval of this nation, he did not care about, NEITHER DOES OBAMA.  IF you thought Bush was bad, just keep watching this administration of death, tyranny and destruction, they do not care, I tell you they don’t.


There is supposed to be an opposition party – the republican party is supposed to be the firewall, they are traitors…Nothing is going to change until a high profile candidate steps up to a mic on a national feed and announces that we are in the end game of a Bolshevik Revolution. That the Democrat Party as structured has been taken over by criminals funded by foreign money….that we are on the threshold of enslavement and Obama is an ENEMY OF THE STATE ! Not one has done it…


Where is the spirit of the WW2 generation, the spirit that kept America through the great Depression, and that same spirit that fought the tyrants, then- came back to tell all about it? The spirit that stormed the beaches of Normandy? The spirit that drove Patton through Africa, the spirit that KNEW the enemy by READING HIS BOOK!?

That spirit that made women like Rosie the Riveter…WHERE IS IT?  That is what is needed to bring troops HOME. the spirit that caused F.D.R., to make a speech so profound, that it is played over and over, the “Day of Infamy” speech?!  Even the speech that prompted G.W. Bush to speak with boldness on the Friday after 9/11?!


MY GOD, America! You have been attacked.  How can you not wake up, how can you NOT see what the hell is going on?! 

 Obama is an ENEMY OF THE STATE.

Get your flag out,

fly it upside down,


The Youtube below, should show you what distress we are in…


 Pat Cadell left wing pollster, Democrat party loyalist and former advisor to Carter said on Hannity’s show when the boob was on vacation;  He said that the admnistration is made up of a cabal of America Hating Bolsheviks and tyrants and criminals! …What Republican has said it on a national feed?? NOT ONE has called Obama a criminal tyrant, dictator?  and called for a recall and impeachment ???    People are not familiar with the Bolshevik cancer that originated in Russia killing 25 million and then spread to German and are now on the threshold of pulling off the Revolution that they started in 1910?? How many know the history? 

Well, you had better WAKE UP, and I mean NOW!