“Occupy Wall St” Demands: “Free EVERYTHING FOR ALL”… Who The Hell Pays For This?


Unbelievable.  Open border policy for everyone, terrorist inc.  Living wage, even if you dont have a job. Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

2 People come to mind with this type insanity;



Glad I am way up in the hills, with money & food stashed away… I believe that anyone who is with this insanity needs to open their paycheck and disperse expeditiously.  Bottom line with these ‘people?’  Spoiled, rotten, brats.

Want To Make The Obamas Really Angry?

You deserve a break today, so get up and get away….  Woohoo! 

This is what I suggest:

Go to fullsize imageTake the kids out this weekend. Knock yourself out, buy a nice Hot fudge Sundae for patriotic purposes. A real one, with all of the fattening nuts, cherry, whipped cream, etc..

Go to fullsize imageMake sure to add in a nice, American hot dog, with all the fixins.. relish, mustard, hell-add some chilli, cheese- do your patriotic duty this weekend to stand against tyranny!  You can always give your kids the boring veggies on the weekdays.

Go to fullsize imageI, personally have not had a snickers bar for years, or even a candy bar-but spend that extra 80 cents and let your child really have a wonderful weekend filled with the most fun foods in the planet.  I’ll tell ya, if you do this, your kids will have weekends they will never forget for the rest of their lives, they will talk about it when they are in their 40’s.

Go to fullsize imageIf you cant do all of these things at ones, this is my biggest suggestion;  Mickey D’s. This is sure to piss the Obamas off beyond measure, since they are screwing McDonalds, even seeking to oust the old Clown Mascot for their Marxist happy horse-shit.

Go to fullsize imageLastly, don’t forget to make sure this weekend, after church or whatever you do on Sunday or Saturday; Don’t forget to go to a playground!! Even if they are pre-teens, push them on a swing, read them a funny story and sing God Bless America. 

As you can tell by these videos below… America is a ‘racist’ nation (sure-eyeroll) These videos are from 1971:

Teach Your Kids The RIGHT Way To Fight Bullies & Cyber/Bullies

 Parents, people, anybody who has an interest in our kids being bullied. There is only one way to fight these little tyrants-in life: KICK THEIR ASS. You fight these little liberal/NAZI kids.  You must teach your kids how to fight. Parents; You cannot expect the “YES WE CANS” to protect your children, they are part of the problem that our kids are going through hell. Our schools are filled with ToLLLLLerance, and fairness.  I have written about this before, but my post got removed, and this issue bothers me a lot. I got beat up dreadfully by 10 girls, and I reacted days later (At 15 years old or so) and kicked all 10 girls asses, and became the most feared gal in H.S. I got them one by one, when they LEAST expected it.

  It is true, that your child will get in trouble for defending him/herself, because that is how it is now, the ‘liberal mind-fkers’ are for the aggressors.  This does not mean that your kid should take their shit.  NO WAY. My Mom never expected me to put up with their crap, neither should your kids.  I know that cyber/bullying is very psychological.  Of course I know this, I am a Jew, in a Jew-hating world. 

  The key here is: Teach these kids to NOT REACT right away.  Tell your kids after they have been cyber-bullied, to come to you, directly.  Trust is a major issue. They can trust you, after all, you are their mother/father. You are also smarter than these little bullies and you will know how to react better, and probably 100x more forcefully.

  MAKE YOUR CHILD sit there with you, while you let the little beasts have it. Advise your child to NOT use this type language unless absolutely necessary.  The next strategy is to wait, and lie in wait. Attack when the attacker least expects it. Wait until you see a weakness in the attacker, then attack his/her weakness. For ie.  Does the bully hate his/her looks? Does the bully hate being fat, not smart, etc.. Now, I KNOW this all seems like a lot, but you are not wanting your child to commit suicide over some little putz!  It is true, also, that “He who hits and runs away, lives to fight another day.”  Now, I know you don’t want the other little shit to kill himself, so, you need to find a type of ‘peace-offering’.

  I will cont. more on this, but for right now, I really get sick and tired of our kids having to get their asses kicked online and in life, and the YES WE CANS are damned agressors.

Reward your child for standing up for his/herself. It will give them a sense of strength.

The Marxist Nitemare For Kids~Why American Idol Is So Popular


  There is no winner in the Marxist Nitemare. There is only mediocre.  No trophy winner, everyone gets a trophy. No great talent, because talent is shoved to the side. There is no student that will be allowed to be smarter than the next student. If a girl is the prettiest, that is frowned upon, this is equality land.  If you have a football player that is better than the rest, eventually they will bring that talent down to their Marxist level.  Marxism is mediocre. It does not strive for your kids to be better, but to just hit a certain level, and all is well.  If your child strives to be a better singer, no doubt that child will be bullied…bullied to the place that your child will commit suicide. The American Nitemare.

  American Idol is a ‘strange phenomenon?’ No. American Idol is actually normalcy. “Americas Got Talent” is normalcy. The way Simon Cowell has let medicores have it, has healed America in many ways….. Seriously.. the kids on A.I. want SIMONS approval, because then they know they are talented, because he knows if someone is just ‘no-good’ at singing.

   People that are talented will always want to work to sound better, dance better, be a better actor, etc…  The reason that America has loved A.I., is because there is a WINNER. You actually get to vote, and with A.I., your vote actually counts.  It is time to allow our children to dream again, let them win, let them make their dreams come true, instead of this medicore hell they are living in.


  The spirit of America is about winning, playing the best game, singing the best, dancing the best.  And that is a nitemare for Marxists, this is what you must push for: making a nitemare for them.  Patton was right, and it is time that we;


  Americans love a winner. Americans will not tolerate a loser. Americans despise cowards. Americans play to win all of the time. I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed.

Quotations by General George S. Patton