Disgusting: American ‘Democracy’ In Action: Muslim Brotherhood Now In Charge Of Libya

Disgusting: “American” Democracy In Action: Muslim Brotherhood Now In Charge Of Libya

“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” -James Madison

We scream and yell about Benghazi but do we give a damn that the Muslim brotherhood has been installed in Libya by Obama/McCain?  Obama is a curse, this is true, but the real curse is that we bring war and over-throw elected governments.   Egypt, Libya, (we tried in Syria) and Ukraine.  It’s fascinating that any sane American thinks that Ukraine is any different than the aforementioned.

I guess present day, war-mongering Americans know better than the founding fathers:

“No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. ” -James Madison

“Governments constantly choose between telling lies and fighting wars, with the end result always being the same. One will always lead to the other.” -Thomas Jefferson

“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” -George Washington

“It is our true policy to steer clear of entangling alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” -George Washington

“Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war.” -John Adams

Rahm Emmanuel’s Chicago: Blacks beat 62 Yr Old Father of 12 to death & post video of murder on Facebook

The Negroes beat a ‘white’ Mexican father.  Was this more justice for Trayvon??  We see this everyday.  The media fails in it’s journalism, mentioning nothing of black on white crime and now, black on ‘white’ Mexican crime.

GCrowdy video

CHICAGO (FOX Chicago News) – Three teenagers are under arrest, charged with beating a Chicago man to death and then posting video of the murder on Facebook.

Delfino Mora, 62, a father of twelve children, was attacked on the 6300 block of North Artesian Avenue early Tuesday morning. He was out collecting cans to make a little extra money to support his family.

A Youtube commenter said:

I know that guy, he went to my school. Geez, seriously he beat up an old man who has 12 kids.    jocelyndj14

-David Ben Moshe

‘Daughter Of Obama’ Bites Off Biceps Of Wig Shop Owner & Spits Flesh Out! Took 4 Officers To Detain Her!

‘Daughter Of Obama’ Bites Off Biceps Of Wig Shop Owner & Spits Flesh Out! Took 4 Officers To Detain Her!

Indianapolis: White Couple Brutally Attacked By A Pack Of Obamas Sons

Indianapolis: White Couple Brutally Attacked By A Pack Of Obamas Sons

Just another day in black on white crime,  nothing new here, just move right along.  Pretend this does not exist. Pretend that bad blacks don’t do this to white people. Keep pretending that YOU are the ‘racists,’ while they beat the crap out of whites on a DAILY basis…You know, for their ‘400’ years of bullshit ‘oppression.’ 

You can thank Holder for this. He emboldened the black communit’ay with his FREE PASS given to the Black Panthers who want to ‘kill white crackas and they babies.’   Well, what can I say.. Vote Obama in again. Seems Americans, especially white America LOVES the punishment.  Thanks to the DEMOCRATS and the enablers of crime, the GOP–this is why America is the way it is.  With NO help from the MSM to report these atrocities? We are doomed as Caucasians.

Video by

Obama voters are:

Black racists, LaRaza, [Hispanic Racists], Cannibal-Liberals, Commies, Marxists, Progressives, Zombies, pro- ‘gay’-marriage, drug-abusers, drug-pushers, baby murderers, pro-dog-eaters, anti-1st & 2nd Amendment, anti-man, pro-civil rights for criminal  & murderers, anti NORMAL Marriage, pro-illegal occupiers, evil, leftist Jews, fraud Christians, anti-American, anti-Israel, Jew haters, Christian-haters & God hating FREAKS.

EYE-WITNESS To Man-Eating Cannibal Liberal In South Beach, FL-This Is What Leftism Has Brought To America

Eye-Witness To Man-Eating Cannibal Liberal In South Beach, FL-This Is What Leftism Has Brought To America.  You think I am joking? I AM NOT.  If we had a society of God-fearing individuals, we most certainly would not see a man-eating cannibal.  This is Liberalism/Progressivism.  Of that I am 100% certain. We will see more of this satanic-craziness.  It is a sign as well, in my opinion… Didnt the liberal #OWS crowd say they want to “EAT THE RICH?”    Well, here is the first encounter of what ‘eating’ a person REALLY is. He probably, no doubt, voted OBAMA.  It is not “Zombie.”   The man was probably on drugs.  Drugs are a leftist TOOL to dumb everyone down.  Especially Marijuana.  Observe America turned over to SATANIC-LIBERALISM.


More on this horrible  story of America gone INSANE.


America is TIRED of the LEFT WING.  We are TIRED of LEFTISM. Face it you ANIMALS…you had 40+ years of DESTRUCTION- now its time for justice and vengeance.  I want that PIGLOSI OUT of office FOREVER.

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republican Leader John Boehner on Thursday demanded that a bipartisan congressional panel investigate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s claims that the CIA misled her in 2002 about whether waterboarding had been used against a terrorism suspect.

“We have no choice,” Boehner told reporters, arguing that Pelosi’s remarks were having a chilling effect on the intelligence community.

***************  TEMPEST IN A TEAPOT:


                The current “tiff” between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the CIA is a tempest in a teapot. The issue is not whether the CIA lied, regarding treatment of detainees, or misled the speaker and Congress.
Did the CIA lie to Pelosi and others? Duh! Of course they lied. It’s what they do! Our national intelligence apparatus is an instrument of national security policy designed to protect America’s national interest abroad. To do so it must employ all means of misinformation, obfuscation and guile to accomplish the mission.

Consideration of “due process” and the “rule of law” as outlined by the U.S. Constitution is paramount in this debate, and at the moment it appears the previous administration may be guilty of violating international law and treaties, which some define as “impeachable offenses.” Whether these actions were justified to protect our national interest and the American people is the real issue, one that must be decided by constitutional lawyers and perhaps the Supreme Court.

It appears that President Obama, constitutional scholar and adroit politician, clearly understands the long-term implications of this debate and will move prudently to ensure our safety and the preservation of individual rights as envisioned by the Founding Fathers.

Rod Yeager
Col., U.S. Air Force (retired)
Kansas City